YAESU FT 817 set-up
Thank you to IW2JKC (Paolo) here some photos of INDSP installed in the FT-817. Also check the videos how it perform. 73 IW2NDH Luca
A new way to box INDSP
Thank you to John, PE1LON a new way to box INDSP. Have fun!
Installation Manual available
Finally available the installation manual with more explanations. Check it out
User manual available
Here the User Manual http://media.wix.com/ugd/7b1f25_fe267bd86156496584a9255c47c9b4be.pdf
New PCB arrived and tested :)
New PCB arrived and tested :) Now can fit hammond boxes: mod 1455C801 (Extruded Aluminum Enclosures) and mod 1591-A (Multipurpose...